Friday, December 10, 2010

Using and Making a Quill Feather Pen for Rituals, Spells and Prayers

The word pen in Latin comes from the word “Penna” which means feather. Quill pens have been around for hundreds of years and were basically the only way to write until the invention of the ball point pen. Although the ball point pen made the writing process easy for everyone, the tradition of making your own quill pen has been largely abandoned.

Many metaphysical, occult and spiritual followers who perform spells, rituals and/or prayers still prefer to use traditional feather quills to write out these thoughts and prayers. This helps to give you a better atmosphere as well as makes your spells and/or rituals more authentic when combined with parchment paper, inks and talismans.

The best type of feather to use for this purpose are goose and/or turkey quills. Making your own feather quill pen puts your own vibrations, thoughts and energy on the pen and although it might sound like a difficult task, it is very easy to make your pen.

So now you are ready to purchase your feathers. Luchea’s Psychic World prides itself in selecting the best Turkey quills for our customers. We provide an assorted pack of twelve feathers of different colors. The feathers have wide shafts which will hold more ink. Here are instructions on how to make your own unique and traditional feather pen.

1)     The first step is to “temper” your feathers. You will need to heat sand in the oven. You can use a baking pan or bowl and put sand in it. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees and once at the right temperature, place the baking pan/bowl in the oven and leave there for fifteen minutes.

2)     After 15 minutes remove the pan/bowl and gently slide the feathers quill in hot sand and allow cooling. This process strengthens the barrel of the feather and makes it more flexible and less brittle. After it has slowly cooled the nib can be constructed.

3)     Using an exacto blade or sharp knife, cut diagonally at the end of the pen in motion. Shave down the tip of the pen, but cut the pen gently so as not to ruin the pen and the hollow inside the pen.

4)     Make small slits on both sides of the pen. The nib is shaped by cutting away the corners on either side of the slit. This will help in absorbing more ink when the tip is dipped in ink. Your pen is now ready for use. When your pen becomes worn or breaks, it can be re sharpened multiple times just using the above instructions again.

Color Meanings for Feathers:

Red: Love, passion, fertility, strength, courage, will power; increases magnetism in rituals.

White: A balance of all colors; spiritual enlightenment, cleansing, clairvoyance, healing, truth seeking;

Green: Money promotes prosperity, fertility, success; stimulates rituals for good luck, harmony, and rejuvenation.

Black: Opens up the deeper levels of the unconscious; use in rituals to induce confusion and negativity to your enemies.

Yellow: Activity, Creativity, unity; brings power of concentration and imagination to a ritual; use in rituals where you wish to gain another’s confidence or persuade someone.

Pink: Promotes romance, friendship; standard color for rituals to draw affections; a color of femininity, honor, service, brings friendly, lively conversation to the dinner table.

Purple: Power, success, idealism, psychic manifestations; ideals for rituals to secure ambitions, independence, financial rewards, or to make contact with the spiritual other world.

Blue: Promotes laughter and joviality; color or loyalty; or whenever an influence needs to be increased.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

OUIJA BOARDS...and the Spirit World.

A Ouija Board has long been known to be an instrument used to communicate with the dead. It is also referred to as a "talking board" or "witch board." The word "Ouija" is a blend from the French and German words for "yes", oui and ja. The talking board became popular in the late 1800's and many people used the board to hold seances to communicate with the dead. The talking board has been in existence for over 100 years and many people have their own opinions of it's use. Some people use it for fun. It's almost a staple activity during any teenage slumber party and it's being used by many every Halloween night. Is it a game or a tool to portal the spirit world? You will have to be your own judge. Many people who have used it and made contact with a spirit vow never used the board again, while others embrace the chance to communicate with the spirit of the dead. Which one are you?
When you are trying to communicate with the dead, always keep in mind that the spirit could either be good or evil. To help prevent an evil spirit from entering your life and your surroundings, it's a very good idea to light several while candles and say a prayer before using the Ouija Board so that you are protected from negativity and evil. Here a few other long time practiced tips to follow before beginning your session with the Ouija:

-Place a silver coin on the board to prevent bad spirits from coming through.
-Never use the board alone.Always have someone in the room with you.
-Never use the board in a cemetery.
-Never use the board where a murder or negative energy is present.
-Never use it when you're sick.The evil spirits will feel that and use it to their advantage.


Although the Ouija Board is manufactured by a game company it is far from a game and should be used with caution. You must have respect for the dead and the spirit world. The board is a very powerful link to the unknown so always use it with caution. Enjoy your adventure, contact a good spirit and be safe.

Monday, September 13, 2010


After successfully anointing and dressing your candle, the next step is to pay close attention to the important messages that you observe in the flame. Here are some meanings and tips on how your candle spell or ritual is going by observing the flame.


Burning Bright, Clean, Strong and Steady:
This is how you want all of your candles to burn.  An indication that the spell or ritual is going well. It indicates strong thoughts and influences are working in a positive way for you and your end results will work out. If you are burning a 7 or 14 day jar candle or any candle in a glass jar, look at the glass as your candle is burning. If  the glass is clean with little or no trace of the wax or black soot, then your spell or ritual is burning clean too. If you see some wax and/or black soot, there is some negativity around. If you can do this without getting burned, get a tissue and wipe the wax and/or soot away to wipe away that negativity.

Unsteady (Moving Erratically), Low flame and/or a lot of Black Soot rising from tip of Flame:
This typically means that there is a lot of negative influences present and that your spell or ritual is being met with some resistance by the person or situation to whom it was intended. This person may be unconsciously aware of your actions and may be resisting the spell. This is the time to give your candle attention with more positive thought and prayer. Put the candle flame out, let the wax dry and re anoint with oil and reconfirm your desires then light the candle again.

Flame Sparks and/or Flame dies:
This is never a good sign and the spell or ritual should be abandoned as soon as possible...for the time being. There could be something wrong with what you are asking from the universe as it may be an unrealistic request. Make sure that what you are asking for is an attainable goal. Wait a few days to clear your mind and atmosphere and perform a new spell or ritual

Good Luck to you and remember...Thoughts are things! If you can can Realize!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Once you've decided on what type of ritual or spell to perform, it's important to select the appropriate supplies to work with. These supplies will set the atmosphere, mood and tone to help you attain good results. It's best to use a glass encased candle for both safety and to anoint and dress the candle with little to no mess. 7 day candles work best since you can anoint the outside jar, mark the inside with a positive symbol and use several drops of oil and herbs that correspond with your desire. Image candles are also good to use and are gender specific.

Once you've chosen your candle...(or your candle has chosen you!), you should use an anointing oil and incense that work all together for your desire. Let's use a Love ritual or spell as an example. A love spell conjures the feelings of love, desire and passion and the color red and/or pink are symbolic for those feelings. For a red or pink candle, you can use Attraction, Lovers, Come to Me and/or Adam and Eve oils and incense.
Before you begin, make sure you have a quiet area where you won't be disturbed. Create a positive atmosphere by lighting some altar candles. Begin burning your incense (use a burner that can withstand a lot of heat). On your candle, you will carve a Star of David cross (see image at left)  into the wax to bless the candle. The wick should be in the center of the cross.

Place a few drops of anointing oil on the palm of your hand and rub both hands together. Pick up your candle, hold it by placing your hands in the center of candle and tilt it towards you to bring the desired energy your way. From the center, anoint the candle with hand strokes going up towards you from the center. From the center down, tilt the candle and stroke it from center down going towards you again. Always have either the top of candle or bottom of candle facing towards you so you are channeling the positive thoughts and energy towards you. While you are anointing the candle, think very deeply on your desire and wish. Remember...thoughts are things. The mind is very powerful and this is the time to focus all your thoughts of what you want to accomplish. If you want someone to desire you, focus on that thought very strongly. See yourself with that person and visualize that scenario. Continue to anoint the outside of your candle. Add a few drops of oil on to the Star of David cross and spread it all around the candle top and wick while continuing to focus on your intent and desire.

Once you feel ready, place the candle in a safe place and get ready to light it. Light the candle from the bottom of the wick and continue to visualize on the candles flame. If you have anything personal you can display (clothing and/or picture of your desire) next to the candle would only be helpful. Use the oil still on your hands and anoint your body. You can also use the oil as a perfume/cologne, add a few drops to your bath water and anoint your doorknobs to help attract positive energy towards your home.

It's important to remember that once you light your candle, you are not done with your spell. you must spend time affirming your thoughts on a daily basis. You can re anoint your candle, pray or meditate on your desire and you will soon see results. Good Luck to you and remember...Thoughts are things! If you can can Realize!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Candles have been used for hundreds of years for many rituals. Just about every one of us has performed a candle ritual or spell. The simplest of candle ritual is performed thousands of times daily when candles are placed on a birthday cake (Altar). As people perform this simplest routine, the prayer is the Happy Birthday song while the candles are lit and the subject is thinking of his/her wish (prayer) before blowing out the candles.

Many people use candles for specific purposes such as love, money, luck, good health and more. 7 Day Candles in jars are the ideal type of candle to use in rituals. The ritual can be as simple as lighting the candle and thinking thoughts associated with your desire. There are rituals more involved that include the use of anointing oils, burning incense, specific type candles such as image candles, writing of prayer and can take one day to several days to complete. Candles come in many shapes, sizes and colors and those colors have a universal meaning for their specific intent.

Candle Colors and Their Meanings

Red: Love, passion, fertility, strength, courage, will power; increases magnetism in rituals.

White: A balance of all colors; spiritual enlightenment, cleansing, clairvoyance, healing, truth seeking;

Green: Money, promotes prosperity, fertility, success; stimulates rituals for good luck, harmony, and rejuvenation.

Black: Opens up the deeper levels of the unconscious; use in rituals to induce confusion and negativity to your enemies.

Yellow: Activity, Creativity, unity; brings power of concentration and imagination to a ritual; use in rituals where you wish to gain another’s confidence or persuade someone.

Gold: Fosters understanding and attracts the powers of cosmic influences; beneficial in rituals intended to bring about fast luck or money.

Orange: Creativity, ability to speak one's mind, ambition, career matters and the Law, self-confidence.

Pink: Promotes romance, friendship; standard color for rituals to draw affections; a color of femininity, honor, service, brings friendly, lively conversation to the dinner table.

Purple: Power, success, idealism, psychic manifestations; ideals for rituals to secure ambitions, independence, financial rewards, or to make contact with the spiritual other world.

Brown: Earthly, balanced color; for rituals of materiel increase; eliminates indecisiveness; improves powers of concentration, study, telepathy; increases financial success; locates objects that have been lost.

Blue: Promotes laughter and joviality; color or loyalty; or whenever an influence needs to be increased.